Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another lesson in patience.

0 days remaining. 40 weeks, 1 days passed. I've been staring at the ticker on my phone for so many days now, that it almost seems unreal to see those numbers! Finally the big due day is here! I'm disappointed that K2 isn't here already, but I guess that we'll have to wait just a bit longer.

We had our 40-week appointment Tuesday along with a non-stress and amniotic fluid testing test. Everything came back perfect, but sadly no movement from last week :( The bad news is that this just means that we'll have to wait a bit longer, but now we know that he'll be sure be here next week around Wednesday. My doctor wants to induce me starting on Tuesday, then by Wednesday he should be here! NOT excited to have the folley producedure done, but the way she described the process, it didn't seem like that big of a deal. I'm disappointed that it doesn't look like things are going to happen completely naturally, but I think I'm okay with it- regardless of what happens.

We'll go back tomorrow to check again with the same set of tests to see if anything has changed, but if not, I'll go in on Tuesday to get things started. Until then, it's lots and lots of walking!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Short and sweet...

It's March 8th. One day before Koa's "official" due date! I can't sleep! I've been awake since 2:30 now. Sigh. Feel full of energy right now and if Koa (Dad!!!) wasn't sleeping, I'd be busy finding something to clean!

Keep it short, Emily, short. My mom is here now, ate out for every meal today (! I can hear the treadmill laughing already....), and am excited but anxious for our 40-week(!) doctor's appointment this afternoon.

Will post baby update this afternoon!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

9 Months picture

Koa's Room!

Crib with supplies and bedding from Koa's Mom:

Closet with clothes, stroller and bulk diapers/wipes:

Cozy chair, with crochet blanky, toys, and book shelf:

4 days and counting!

"Any day now. Any day now." Sigh. It seems likes we've been waiting forever! We had our 39 week appointment on the 1st and sadly, we had not made any progress from last week in terms of dilation. We also had an ultrasound to make sure that everything was looking good and to estimate his weight, which is always fun and reassuring. 4 chambers of his little heart? Check. Bladder? Check. Boy parts? Check and Check!!! Their weight estimate was 7lbs, 10 ounces! Big little boy!

Our next appointment is this Tuesday the 8th, one day before his official due date. We are trusting in the Lord's perfect timing and have been praying for that for as long as we can remember, but it is getting hard to be patient! My prayer for our next appointment is for our doctor to tell us that everything is moving along perfectly and there is no reason to schedule an induction or any reason to even consider having a c-section. We'll also have a test for my amniotic fluid and a non-stress test for the baby that day, so it will be an appointment full of firsts.

My mom is coming on Monday afternoon and am looking forward to that. We'll probably end up spending a lot of time on the couch since there is not much I can do now...maybe we'll go shopping a bit or head to the park a few times with the pups.

Hmm...what else. Little guy has been kicking a lot today and while we went for a walk this afternoon, I was having what felt like cramping, but I wasn't sure if meant anything or not. Doing okay now. I had the same feelings last week and thought they meant that things were moving along but noooooo...must be patient!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby cooking madness

Chicken broccoli bake assemby line plus a shot of the freezer. Peanut satay on the right with space for the rest!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Granny square blanket for the pups

My first granny square blanket